The Rule of Law and Civil Disobedience



Civil disobedience, rule of law, legal positivism, advanced industrial society


In his 1962 speech on disobedience at Marin College in California, Erich Fromm asserted that the beginning of human history was an act of disobedience. In support of this assertion, he offered two facts from the Torah tradition and Greek mythology. Even if the act of disobedience originated in the beginning of human history, it is still relevant today. More precisely, civil disobedience, also known as the right to resistance, has been attempted to be justified politically, morally, and even constitutionally in recent years. This idea has become essential to political theory with the rise of democratic constitutionalism and modern state philosophy. The right to resistance or civil disobedience is defined in most of modern constitutions as a right or even a duty for those who are members of the political community. In order to better understand the relationship between civil disobedience and the rule of law, this study will first examine the relationship between obedience and political.


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How to Cite

ŞAKAR, M. C. (2023). The Rule of Law and Civil Disobedience. POLITIKOS: Journal of Social and Political Philosophy , 2(1), 40–55. Retrieved from


