Habermas's Concept of Post-Secular Society and Current Problems: Debate on the Publicity of Social Media
Habermas, post-secularism, religion, rational connection, social mediaAbstract
The main purpose of this article is to focus on the change of religion in the public sphere within the framework of Jürgen Habermas's views and to discuss whether the relevant discourse can still be an important basis for dialogue. In addition, it is desired to investigate and understand the relations between pluralism and the public sphere after secularism within the framework of post-secular thoughts, which point to new dimensions of the appearance of religious discourse in the public sphere. Habermas, especially in his writings of recent years that interest us more, develops a comprehensive critique of secularism that implies a radical break from the dogmatic idea of removing religion from the public sphere. This critique concerns a normative understanding of the post-secular situation and is to show that the boundaries of the public sphere need to be rethought in connection with a relative stalemate centred on pluralism. At this point, criticisms of the institutional translation condition, a controversial assumption of Habermas, are mentioned and evaluations are made around various opposing philosophical arguments such as agonistic views. Finally, this study investigated whether intersubjective public communication can be built around social media and new communication technologies.
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https://www.normativeorders.net/2023/grundsatze-der-solidaritat/. Erişim tarihi: 27.11.2023
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